Robert's website

PCP personal edition

Updated 21/9/2005

PCP personal edition plots polynomial and linear graphs using GNUPlot and calculates errors on best fit lines. The aim is to replicate the behaviour of the PCP terminals in the physics labs but with the following advantages:

Although the error calculations in linearplot(w) for x-intercept and "Err/sd" do not match the responses from the original version, the error analysis code appears to be working fine.

Downloading and using

Windows users who do not have a compiler should download the Windows version and GNUPlot files, extracting them to the same folder.

Other users should download the source only version. Extract the files using tar -xzvf pcp.tar.gz, and compile the code by running make clean all.

Known bugs/things to do

Here are some of the known problems with the code:

  1. Printing of datatables and graphs is currently not supported.

Currently polyplot seems to be reliable in terms of results matching known-good answers, and csv2pcp generates valid files.


linearplot [filename.pcp|filename.csv]
linearplotw [filename.pcp|filename.csv]
polyplot [filename.pcp|filename.csv] filename.csv > filename.pcp filename.csv filename.pcp
cat filename.csv | > filename.pcp

The pcp command takes points in the form "x y", one point per line, with a new line to finish. By default, it saves its output as pcp.txt, but this can be altered by the user.


21st September 2005

15th September 2005

13th September 2005

9th September 2005

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