Spyware removal instructions
This is usually as simple as downloading the following programs and running them in order. In the case of Spybot/Ad-Aware and SpywareBlaster, the spyware definitions will need to be updated inside the program before scanning.
- LSPFix - Download in case removal attempts break your Internet connection. It shouldn't happen (especially with up-to-date definitions), but it's worth being prepared for this possibility.
- CWShredder - specialised tool to remove CoolWebSearch hijackers. Updated often, so download this on each use. Run this before using Spybot S&D/Ad-Aware.
- Microsoft Antispyware (Windows 2000/XP only, but apparently finds more than the others)
- Spybot - Search and Destroy
- Ad-Aware (free for individual private use only)
- HijackThis (specifically aimed at home-page hijacking, same page as CWShredder) - used to deal with almost anything the others don't touch. Extremely powerful, but dangerous in the wrong hands, so don't use it unless you need to and you know what you are doing.
- Spywareblaster - Used to help prevent spyware installing in the first place.
Other tricks
Open the Internet Options window, and on the Advanced tab, untick the "Enable third-party extensions" box. This should stop some types of spyware from loading.